ThermoPro TempSpike XR Wireless Meat Thermometer up to 300M, with 2 Ultra-Thin Wireless Meat Probe, Smart Meat Thermometer Digital Wireless for Rotisserie, Smoker, and Kitchen Cooking Thermometer
- 【More stable than bluetooth】ThermoPro digital meat thermometer features the latest RF technology; which has better penetration than bluetooth; so the signal and connection will be more stable, feel free to monitor your bbq in your backyard from your kitchen up to 300 M
- 【Set up without signing up】No app to download; no complicated setup; no personal information required.;simply start using this wireless grill thermometer after you bring it home
- 【100% Wire-free & waterproof probe】Say goodbye to annoying wires! 100% wire-free meat probes are easier to use and store; making them more suitable for rotisserie than other wired thermometers; the IPX8 waterproof rating makes the product safer against water damage; effectively extending the product's service life
- 【Color-coded probes for easy organizing】This wireless meat thermometer for grilling and smoking comes with color-coded probes that make it easy to determine which piece of meat temps you're reading; no longer have to trace the wires back again
- 【Large screen displays all your need】The large clear display of this bbq thermometer is easy to read while showing the temperature of the two probes and two bbq temps and also their set temperatures; allowing you to check from accross the grill at a glance; and no need to stop your cooking to click the buttons or check the app on your phone again!
Color: Orange
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12 reviews
I always worry about overcook my meat or under cooking my meat and this has been an absolute game changer. It comes with two probes so even if you want the outside of a beef well done in the inside medium it will tell you that as well which for me and my household saves the day as we both eat different types Really easy to use really easy to set up I can put the meat on and go and sit back down in the front room and watch a bit of footy great big screen easy to read. I just couldn’t recommend it highly enough. It is a little bit expensive, but I wouldn’t say it’s expensive for what you can get out of it. It saves my meat so works well hundred percent recommend recommended.
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I cannot give an accurate review as I have only used the product once for its intended purpose. My initial reaction? Well, based on experience, if the product looks well made and the box in which it came is good quality, then usually so too is the product. My second reaction? The instructions are terrible.
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Mrs H :0))
Having suffered horribly for two days post Xmas due to either uncooked turkey or sausagemeat at in-laws this nifty piece of kit will ensure that we don't return that favour this year when we host. I am not a cheffy person so if I can employ some up to date but USEABLE tech to help then I'm all over it ! Happily this looks confusing on first glance, but the instructions are very clear and its actually very easy to operate. I really like the fact that there are two prongs so you can put both into one large joint, or have them operating separately but together (ideal for Xmas day cooking when there is so much in the oven therefore things take longer than normal to cook - and you have a whole range of meats/fish that you can pick from - including ground beef so its also handy for day to day family cooking so its not a thermometer just for Christmas - its useful all year round. The instructions do say that there is a magnet inside the device which may impact the functionality of a pacemaker - so they recommend that you stay up to 1 foot away from the device - just as a FYI.
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Sometimes Grumpy Geezer
Comes in a retail box with the reader, 2 rechargeable probes, a usb cable and instructions. This is a really nice quality meat thermometer, you get 2 wireless probes and a large reader with a clear display. The reader has a fold out stand as well as a nice strong magnet on the back so you can stick it to a metal surface should you need. Ive only used it a few times so far but the results of the chicken and pork joint i cooked were perfect. The instructions are clear and easy to understand and the battery life seems good so far. The price at the time of ordering was £149.99 which is pretty high but currently the price is a far more reasonable £104.99
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I used this wireless meat thermometer during a barbecue, and it made cooking so much easier. The probes are thin and don't interfere with the meat, and the wireless range is impressive. I could monitor the temperatures from inside without hovering over the grill. The readings were accurate, helping achieve perfect cooking results. Setup was straightforward, and the large display is easy to read even from a distance. It's a great tool for cooking meats to precise temperatures.
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This excellent meat thermometer is an absolutely brilliant bit of kit. It's very good quality and so very well made, no faffing about with apps, just take it out and use it. It's very easy to use and comes with 2 probes, one black and one white, it's easy to use and easy to understand. It has great battery life and is far more accurate than my old one because my meat has told me so, it's just so much better. I love it, I cannot fault it and think it is definitely worth the money, it is excellent!
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This is a very good meat thermometer! I wanted one that was stand alone and not dependent on a phone app. It is very easy to use and set up for what you are cooking and having 2 probes in great when cooking multiple things at the same time. The RF connection (not Bluetooth that is used with phone apps) between the probes and the base unit was excellent! There were now connection issues with the probes inside grill wit lid shut connecting to the unit inside the house.
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Hubby's mighty impressed with his new toy. Had originally bought him a meatstick years ago, but was unfortunately lost recently during a move. So decided to get a new one for Xmas. Gave it to him a bit early so we could use it for dinner. Without question it is far superior to the meatstick. Highly reccomend for the human who loves to cook a good meat.
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The media could not be loaded. Lo principal, disponer de dos sondas te permite cocinar dos carnes y controla ambas, diferentes, cocinándose a la vez, o una en dos zonas diferentes, como en mi caso, controlando la temperatura en muslo y pechuga. Aguanta perfectamente el horno a 200 grados. La base tiene un rango muy amplio, estando yo a unos 20 metros más, en el salón de casa con esta, mientras el horno hacia su labor. Las alarmas y temperaturas preconfiguradas según tipos de carnes, lo hace más versátil y útil aún. Es un aparato perfecto para amantes de la cocina y/o de las barbacoas.
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Ho avuto l'opportunità di testare gratuitamente il seguente prodotto grazie al programma Amazon Vine e la recensione che mi accingo a fare è assolutamente veritiera e non tiene conto della gratuità del prodotto. Il **ThermoPro TempSpike XR 300M** è un termometro da cucina wireless che offre un'esperienza di cottura precisa e affidabile, perfetto per chi ama cucinare carni e vuole raggiungere la temperatura ideale senza dover aprire il forno o la griglia di continuo. Le due sonde ultrafine aggiornate sono il punto forte di questo dispositivo, rendendolo particolarmente adatto per l'affumicatore, il forno, il girarrosto e altre tecniche di cottura che richiedono precisione. ### **Design e Funzionalità** Il termometro ha un design moderno e compatto, facile da maneggiare e utilizzare. Le sonde sono molto sottili e non lasciano segni visibili sulla carne, garantendo così una presentazione perfetta. La connessione wireless è incredibilmente utile, permettendo di monitorare la temperatura fino a 300 metri di distanza. Questo è particolarmente comodo per chi ha bisogno di muoversi in casa o fare altre attività durante la cottura senza perdere di vista lo stato del cibo. ### **Precisione e Facilità d'uso** Le due sonde offrono la possibilità di monitorare due pezzi di carne diversi contemporaneamente o misurare la temperatura interna e quella ambiente, dando un controllo totale sulla cottura. La precisione delle letture è notevole, con un margine di errore quasi impercettibile. Le impostazioni predefinite per le varie carni sono molto utili, soprattutto per i principianti, ma c'è anche la possibilità di personalizzare le temperature a seconda delle preferenze. ### **App e Connessione** Il termometro funziona in combinazione con un'applicazione intuitiva e ben progettata, che consente di monitorare la temperatura in tempo reale direttamente dallo smartphone. L'app invia avvisi quando la carne raggiunge la temperatura desiderata o quando si verificano eventuali variazioni importanti. La connessione Bluetooth è stabile e raramente si perde il segnale, anche se ci si trova lontani dal dispositivo. ### **Durata della Batteria** La batteria ricaricabile del TempSpike XR dura a lungo e non richiede frequenti ricariche, il che è un grande vantaggio per chi usa spesso il termometro durante le lunghe cotture. ### **Conclusione** Il **ThermoPro TempSpike XR 300M** è un prodotto eccellente per chi ama cucinare carne alla perfezione. Le due sonde ultrafine, la precisione delle letture, la facilità d'uso e la connessione wireless lo rendono uno strumento indispensabile per la cucina, sia per gli appassionati che per i professionisti. Sicuramente un investimento valido per chi desidera migliorare la propria esperienza culinaria.
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Das Thermometer-Set kommt mit zwei farblich (schwarz und weiß) gekennzeichneten Sonden, die unabhängig voneinander arbeiten und individuell programmierbar sind. So lassen sich für beide Sonden separate Alarme einstellen, die bei Erreichen der gewünschten Temperaturen ausgelöst werden. Die farbliche Kennzeichnung minimiert dabei die Verwechslungsgefahr und macht die Handhabung intuitiv. Ein wesentliches Unterscheidungsmerkmal zu Konkurrenzprodukten, ist die Nutzung von Funkfrequenzen anstelle von Bluetooth oder WLAN. Dies sorgt für eine stabile und unterbrechungsfreie Verbindung, auch wenn man sich weiter vom Grill entfernt oder sich hinter Wänden aufhält. Die Funktechnologie bietet dabei eine hohe Reichweite, die theoretisch bis zu 300 Meter reicht. Praktisch dürfte diese Distanz jedoch selten benötigt werden, allerdings zeigt das Gerät seine Stärke bei der Signalübertragung durch mehrere Wände hindurch. So kann ich im Wohnzimmer sitzen und bequem den Grillvorgang im Garten überwachen. Das Set ist bereits ab Werk gekoppelt, sodass keine zusätzliche App-Installation oder manuelle Einrichtung erforderlich ist. Man kann es direkt nach dem Auspacken nutzen, was die Bedienung vereinfacht. Zur Stromversorgung kommen bei Basis und Sonden Akkus zum Einsatz, die über USB aufgeladen werden – ein Vorteil, da keine Batterien ausgetauscht werden müssen. Sehr gut ist auch, dass die Sonden in der Basisstation ihren Platz haben und aufgeladen werden. Das Gerät mit Display, das mit einem Aufstellbügel versehen ist, zeigt präzise und gut lesbar sowohl die Kerntemperatur des Grillguts als auch die Umgebungstemperatur an. Es verfügt über eine Hintergrundbeleuchtung, die bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen eingeschaltet werden kann, und erlaubt die Wahl zwischen Celsius- und Fahrenheit-Anzeige. Die Basisstation bietet zudem vorgegebene Temperaturprofile für verschiedene Fleischsorten, wobei sie auch eigene Einstellungen vornehmen können. Wenn die eingestellten Temperaturen erreicht sind, gibt das Gerät einen akustischen Alarm. Die Sonden hinterlassen relativ große Löcher im Grillgut, wobei das bei einem Steak störender ist, als bei einem Braten. Zudem können die Sonden nur die Umgebungstemperatur im Grill messen, wenn sie gleichzeitig im Grillgut stecken. Wer während der Aufheizphase des Grills die Temperatur überwachen möchte, benötigt hierfür ein zusätzliches Thermometer. Was ich vermisse, ist eine Information, wann genau ich das Fleischstück servieren kann. Es wird nur die genaue Kerntemperatur angezeigt, aber keine Prognose zur Nachgarung, sodass das Steak etwas zu gar auf dem Teller liegt, wenn man es eigentlich Medium haben möchte. Verbesserungsfähig ist in jedem Fall die Bedienungsanleitung, die nur die Tastenbelegung erklärt, aber kein Wort zu den verschiedenen Modi und Garstufen bei verschiedenen Fleischsorten verliert. Insgesamt bietet das Thermometer-Set eine präzise Messung und eine einfache Handhabung, auch dank der stabilen Funkverbindung und der unkomplizierten Inbetriebnahme. Gut ist auch, dass man die Basis entweder aufstellen oder magnetisch an Metall, wie bspw. Kühlschrank, befestigen kann. Während das Thermometer aufgrund seiner vielseitigen Funktionen, der hohen Reichweite, der Kabellosigkeit und der Verarbeitung überzeugen kann, ist der Preis doch recht ambitioniert, obwohl er bei einem Rabattangebot teilweise gemindert werden kann. Für anspruchsvolle Grillmeister ist das Thermometer jedoch eine klare Empfehlung, besonders für diejenigen, die erstens eine verlässliche Alternative zu Bluetooth-basierten Geräten suchen und zweitens auf eine große Reichweite angewiesen sind. Wie geschrieben, muss aber die Bedienungsanleitung meines Erachtens ausführlicher geschrieben werden. Nicht jede Funktion sollte sich durch Learning by Doing erschließen, sondern in der Anleitung beschrieben werden und nachlesbar sein.
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- Manufacturer ThermoPro
- Part number TP862C
- Item Weight 370 g
- Package Dimensions 20 x 10.9 x 3.6 cm; 370 g
- Batteries 3 Lithium Ion batteries required.
- Item model number TP862C
- Size Meat Thermometer (300 m)
- Colour Orange
- Style Meat Thermometer (300 m)
- Power source type Battery Powered
- Item Package Quantity 1
- Display style Digital
- Specification met CE
- Special Features Large Display
- Included components 2 Ultra-thin Wireless Meat Probes
- Batteries included? No
- Batteries Required? Yes
- Battery Cell Type Lithium Ion
- Customer Reviews 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 301 ratings 4.2 out of 5 stars
- Best Sellers Rank 67,140 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) 87 in Meat Thermometers
- Date First Available 11 Jan. 2024
- Brand ThermoPro
- Special feature Large Display
- Colour Orange
- Age range (description) Adult
- Included components 2 Ultra-thin Wireless Meat Probes
- Outer material Plastic
- Specification met CE
- Display type Digital
- Connectivity technology RF
- Product care instructions Wipe Clean
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